What Is Feng Shui And What Are Its Benefits With Water Features?
When it comes to feng shui tips for the placement of your water feature, it is helpful to understand the concept of feng shui. Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed more than three thousand years ago in China. Simply put, it revolves around balancing of energies in any given space to bring good health and fortune to the residing people. If you are wondering how it relates to your water feature, feng shui literally means wind and water. People living in stressful cities such as Vancouver can benefit greatly by adding a water feature to their home. But did you know there are places where you shouldn’t put a water feature? Read more to continue.
It is not necessary that the water feature has to look oriental to be used for feng shui. In fact, it is preferred that it works harmoniously with your interior or exterior décor. As aforementioned, water features are very popular in feng shui as they bring the energy of water into your home and water is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The flowing water of the water feature helps reactivate life-force of the space, restores balance and produce beneficial yang energy. However, there are guidelines and rules to be followed in order to use water features for good feng shui. You should note here that improper placement of the water feature is considered to bring bad feng shui to your home.
If you are planning to install a water feature in your garden or your home for good feng shui, there are guidelines that could potentially improve the feng shui energy.
Desirable Locations of Water Features for Feng Shui
The location of any feng shui water feature should be determined by the Ba-Gua, a feng shui energy map. The fountain should be placed in the east direction for health and family, southeast for prosperity and abundance and north for career and path in life. The fountain should not be placed in the south area of the house, as according to feng shui ideology, south is associated with fame and reputation and its symbol is fire. When you bring water feng shui element into the fire feng shui element, it contradicts each other. Hence, you end up creating a bad feng shui or conflicting energy, as water puts down fire. In addition, when placing a water feature in your garden, it is preferable to have the water flow towards your house so that wealth and abundance flow towards your house and not away from it.
Type of Water Features for Feng Shui
You should consider how the feng shui elements are expressed in shapes and colors, so that it complements the water element and the needed feng shui in the given space is not overpowering. The shape, color and material of the water feature should express and support the needed feng shui. You should start by selecting the location of the water feature and then selecting the shape, color and material accordingly.
Undesirable Locations of Water Features for Feng Shui
Placing a feng shui water feature in your bedroom is considered bad feng shui. The location of your bedroom is irrelevant. The water feng shui element is believed to bring negative energy in form of worry into your bedroom. So, if you are considering a water feature for feng shui purpose, keep it out of your bedroom. Also, never place a water feature on either side of your front door as it produces negative energy.
You can enhance the feng shui positive energy by placing crystals or stones in your fountain, which strengthens the good energy. Using essential oils with your water feature that can diffuse them into the air can also augment the positive energy. In short, a feng shui water feature attracts good energy, prosperity and fortune, while creating a relaxing environment and adding style to your landscape or living room.
Reasons To Add A Water Feature To Your Home Or Office
Shop for free-standing and wall hanging water walls at sale prices from our online store.
I have my lotus on south side only bright sun. When standing and looking south left side of garden is east is this bad?
Lotuses can be good almost anywhere for feng shui.
Lotus placement for feng shui is often in the center or northeast
The north-east corner of your house refers to your brain, and placing these flowers in that part of your house invokes your inner self to avoid any unnecessary indulgence. Whatever you place in the north-east corner of your house, it will have a direct impact on the way you think. When you place the lotus flower in water in the north-east part of your house, then you will attract money and wealth, but you will not go crazy after it.
Source: Ancient Astrology Talks November 11, 2020