Reflecting Pool Landscaping Ideas For Custom Homes

A reflecting pool, also referred to as reflection pool or reflection pond (although not really a pond) is a water feature commonly found in gardens, parks, and memorial sites. It usually consists of a very shallow pool of water, without fountain jets or turbulence, for a reflective surface. Modern landscape designers are finding more ways to incorporate them into high the gardens of high end luxury custom homes.

View some spectacular reflecting pool ideas for modern custom homes here >>>

reflection pool water features

reflection pool water features

Looking to add a reflection pool to your custom home project? If within our service areas, request a quote: [email protected] – (778)-788-8603

Vortex Water Fountain

Interesting looking fountain with a vortex going down the middle.
They are surprisingly easy to make for any DIY’er (just go on YouTube to find descriptive tutorials).
Looks even cooler with LED at night – the water level can be controlled or even programmed to move up and down.

[Was $3365.38] – Sale Price $2800. Available mid-June.
Price will drop later this year for those that don’t mind waiting.
Let us know you are interested and we will secure a discount for your future purchase.

Canada Toll-Free: +1 888-832-2242 Ext: 1
[email protected]

Indoor Bar Waterfall – Rock, Metal, Slate, Tile, Acrylic,

WaterfallNow provides all kinds of custom, semi-custom, and ready made (standalone) bar waterfalls with LED lighting.

Decorate your bar or guestroom with a one of a kind luxury waterfall.

One of the services that we provide is a custom rock waterfall made with a synthetic fibreglass/resin material.

The patterns closely mimic that of real rock because they are molded off of real rock surfaces.

They can be designed to fit in the corner of a room, near the bar, in the centre of the room, in a closet space (wine cellar), as a beverage rack stand (with LED ice buckets built in), waterproof bluetooth speakers, fog/mist, and more.

Our rocks are cut, bent, and patched together to fit any size, shape, or design. With a basic concept sketch, we can create an amazing one of a kind rock waterfall or rock wall.

We offer GFRC concrete/shotcrete carved features combined with more detailed artificial rock mixed with real or artificial plants/vegetation. Need a green wall? WaterfallNow has dozens of vendors  with over 10,000 different types of artificial plants, trees, and foliage. Simply request a quote with brief project details and a number to [email protected]

Dealer partner for contemporary waterfalls – save time and money: [email protected]

Additional ideas for indoor rock waterfalls for your bar or lounge areas.


Peter Heiss

Son of an architect father, Peter sculpted artificial rock for nearly 30 years. He gained an early appreciation of aesthetics and the dynamics of form at an early age, and began working at the craft of artificial rock sculpting in his late teens, while concurrently embarking on diving and undersea explorations along the West Coast and throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Peter’s career began as a one of a group of artists hired to sculpt the Vancouver Aquarium’s first major theme exhibit, the Amazon Gallery. Peter’s talents were soon recognized and he was retained by the Vancouver Aquarium to head the design and construction of the rockwork surrounding the Killer Whale Habitat. A major undertaking, the pool was one of the first in the world to reflect an actual natural habitat, as Peter’s design called for a backdrop of rockwork based on Gulf Island sandstone formations.

Once traveling as far north as Arctic Bay, Baffin Island for the design and creation of his Beluga Whale Pool at Vancouver Aquarium, Peter continues to regularly explore the West Coast and other locations to take molds of rock formations for his work.

Peter Heiss designed and built outdoor rockwork pools, hot tubs, and water features for dozens of homeowners, and also for high profile resorts including Kingfisher Lodge, The Pacific Inn and Pacific Shores.

Peter was well renowned for his commercial and public spaces work with The Vancouver International Airport, Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, CFOX Kids Park, and many other public and commercial projects. Peter also led projects for clients in China, the Caribbean, and across Canada.

In addition to all his own projects, Peter was contracted extensively over the past twenty years as the lead designer and builder for other rockwork firms such as Arcon Rock and Waterscapes and Raincity Rock and Waterscapes.

A graduate of The Emily Carr School of Art, Peter was an accomplished painter as well as a sculptor, with a strong affinity for realism and a love of natural subjects. His work is marked by a personal commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail.

In his spare time, Peter carved Totems, re-builds outboard motors, casts jewelry, and cared for his own aquarium of exotic animals. To relax, Peter spent time in his two-storey 8-seater hot tub, complete with rock climbs, waterfalls, grottos, warm shallows and a bird’s nest lookout.

Peter was a remarkable man who cared for people and loved to spend time with his family.
The last time I had a chance to speak with Peter was while he was having a family gathering with his grandchildren playing in the background. I had promised to meet with him one more time before the kidney cancer had taken his life. A kind man, Peter will be missed.

Peter Heiss, Vancouver – Obituary

Reasons To Add A Water Feature To Your Home Or Office

There are many reasons to add a water feature to your decor. The sight and sounds of moving waters of an indoor wall fountain can enhance the ambiance of any room as well as improve the Feng Shui. It is hard not to feel more relaxed when near a water wall. A relaxed mind can help with mental alertness as well as improve your physical well being.

Waterfalls found in nature can be both energizing as well as tranquil depending on the flow of water. Indoor water fountains which attempt to recreate these feelings are more than a vanity piece to display some form of luxury. A trickling of water can help to ease the mind from any stresses faced throughout your day. Perhaps it would be really fantastic to get this type of experience each day?

There are many different kinds of indoor water fountains. If you love waterfalls then chances are good that that you will be able to find one already in existance that suits your style. Of course you ought to choose the proper one which appropriately meets the layout along with out there place in your home as well as business office. Matching the style of the home is important and customized options can be more ideal. However, premade options tend to be more cost effective and simpler to install. It is best to speak with the local contractor about which options is better for you.

Indoor water walls can be considered one of the more important focal points to add to your interior to make it appear more luxurious. Some believe that the flow of water symbolizes wealth and prosperity moving towards you. You can easily notice a vast variety of indoor water walls in the market. These fountains come in all shapes and sizes and can also be enhanced with company logos. A well selected design can command attention, respect, and even a bit of envy from jealous neighbours. Not everyone can afford one but those who can get to enjoy the many benefits of ownership.

Water wall fountains are a good option for the luxury home owner looking to create a serene, lively, and refreshing look to their home interior. There are an infinite number of possibilities to design a custom waterfall fountain that can create different sounds. Perhaps you like multiple tiers or 1 large slab of stone with water cascading down. Eitherway, when completed and running, a waterfall can make a huge difference to any decor turning something ordinary into something amazing.

Many of the water fountains that are available today can be compared to works of art. Luxury fountains may appear simple but much thought goes into their design and creation. A well crafted custom waterfall is a reflection of the experience of the artisans involved in the design and creation process.

So how do you choose the right style? Simple. Choose one that you like and enjoy. There are hundreds of thousands of images of water walls that can be found online. It shouldn’t take long until you see something you like.

One of the results in engaging with art is that it can brings out something unique in every person. Each custom waterfall has its own flair and style just like every human is unique. Whatever your reasons for liking waterfalls, we know that most of our clients can’t imagine living in a home without one. It is always nice to come home after a long day or to work in an environment where a waterfall is present. We can’t explain the feeling – you just have to experience it for yourself.

Ready to get your own custom water wall fountain? You can choose from many existing styles to find something close to what you like and modify it from there or start from scratch. Eitherway it is something to put much thought into as it will be an investment to enjoy for many years to come.

Custom Indoor Water Walls

Need indoor water feature ideas? Houzz and Pinterest are a popular destination for many interior designers, builders, homeowners, and architects looking for inspiration and ideas for their custom water wall project. Custom water walls range in price anywhere from $20,000-$100,000 or more per project depending on the amount of work that goes into the design and build. It is not recommended to compromise and go for the cheapest options as these features are prone to malfunction if improperly constructed.

Some basic things to keep in mind for a custom water wall include:
Distilled water
UV Filter
Adjustable water flow valve
Easy access to pumps
Submersible pumps are often not recommended
Separate mechanical room for pumps and electrical
Even flow water dispersion (We don’t recommend PVC pipe with holes due to calcium build up)
Investing in a good design and quality materials
Colors that match the rest of the surrounding decor/furniture/design/colors.

If you are looking for a commercial water feature it is recommended to get multiple quotes. Because every project is different, certain companies might be better suited for that particular project than another. Doing this gives you more leverage than you would have negotiating with a single provider (always good to do). Doing so may also help you discover the actual contractor performing the work so you can cut out the middle man.

Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas
Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas
Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas
Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas
Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas
Indoor Custom Water Feature Ideas

Water Features: Langley Waterfalls & Water Walls

WaterfallNow is a waterfall design and build copmany with contractors specializing in creating fiberglass rock waterfalls, water walls, garden pondless waterfalls, and indoor fountains. We also have a network of contemporary indoor water wall fountain manufacturers in China, Vietnam, South Korea, and the USA to offer our clients with the best prices including installation.

Water features are sought by our clients in Langley for their beauty. They help a custom home builders (a good portion of our client-base) increase property value as well as perceived value. The sounds of a waterfall gives our customers even more reason to enjoy spending time by their patio after a long days work.

Custom and premade options are both available. WaterfallNow has hundreds of calls each month and we are usually booked for a few months in advance. If you or someone you know could benefit from adding a waterfall to their property feel free to contact us for a free estimate. Most of our projects start at a minimum of $5000. We will guide you through the preparation process for your waterfall. We have different people managing different product offerings so the more specific you are in letting us know what you need the better chances we can put you in touch with the right person.

WaterfallNow offers waterfall, water feature, and fountain installation services Langley, Walnut Grove, and neighbouring areas.
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water features burnaby vancouver

vertical water features langley

Over 100,000 potential color and style combinations. Premade and semi custom indoor water wall fountains are available for order. WaterfallNow provides installations on water features in Langley, BC. Order a premade waterfall and have it installed within 5 days.
horizontal water features langley free standing water features lanley waterfall adagio authorized dealer langley water walls langley health benefits of indoor fountains langley

Adagio Water Features Installation Vancouver Dealer

WaterfallNow is an authorized dealer of Adagio water feature products. Adagio is one of a few dozen suppliers for premade water walls and waterfall unitsand receives discount dealer pricing. Order through WaterfallNow for additional savings.

WaterfallNow handles shipping, customs clearance, and installation on all Adagio water features purchased through WaterfallNow.

Are you thinking of ordering a floor standing waterfall fountain or wall mounted waterfall?

Get in touch with us today and ask for Moses: 778-788-8603 [email protected]