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Health Benefits of Indoor Fountains

Health Benefits of Indoor Fountains

People, usually, don’t consider including indoor fountains into their home’s décor mainly because they are not very common in most cultures. However, what people don’t realize is that indoor fountains can create many positive effects on your health and lifestyle. Water fountains, indoor and wall, are beautiful, relaxing and trendy. In an effort to bring the outdoors into the house, people around the world are adding water fountains to the interior of their homes and offices. In the last decade, there has been an increase in the installation of indoor fountains and wall fountains due to their aesthetic appeal and more importantly health benefits.

Mental Benefits: Relaxing Sound and De-stressing

It is a scientifically established fact that sounds of running water produce relaxing effects and a zen atmosphere. It makes your mind relax and soothes your soul. The sound of flowing water affects us subconsciously, hence causing a soothing influence on the body, mind and spirits. There are many indoor fountains that can produce sound strong enough to be heard throughout your home or office. They are usually equipped with flow control valve so that you can set the level of the sound of flowing water, which suits your preference.

Often, you will find yourself subjected to loud noises such as traffic, people talking, music, etc. from your surroundings. Unless, you house or office is sound proofed, chances are these unwarranted sounds – noise pollution really, can interfere with your work or sleep. Indoor fountains provide a great white sound to drown the noise and enable you to work efficiently and sleep well. While suppressing the noises, it naturally calms you so that you are at your best.

In addition, water is known to reduce your stress levels. The sound of water can reduce the stress causing hormones and relax your muscles and joints. If in your bedroom, it can improve your sleep quality and generally your mood. Hence, in the stressful life that most people live today, indoor fountain can be a perfect way to decompress and relax.

Physical Health: Purer Air & Humidity

There are two major physical health benefits that you can enjoy from an indoor fountain. First, water fountains purify and clean the air inside your home or office. Studies have shown that negative ions that are emitted into the air as water evaporates from your fountain cleanse the air and make it more refreshing for you to breadth. The clean air can enhance your concentration and improve your health. It eliminates dust and other irritants from the air and keeps the quality of air high.

Second, indoor fountains increase humidity in the air. In winters, the air becomes dry which causes irritation, nose bleeds and other health problems. As water evaporates from the fountain, humidity is released into the air. Hence, many people find indoor fountains a great source of humidity. Furthermore, it keeps your indoor air in balance and is a natural prevention for sickness. And it is more appealing and soothing than any electrical humidifier, complimenting your interior décor and style.

The health benefits offered by indoor fountains are worthwhile the investment you make in purchasing them. They add a dimension of style and beauty to your home décor while providing many health benefits, so that you enjoy a relaxing atmosphere and a healthy environment.

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